September 14, 2018
Recently diagnosed with diabetes, I found myself overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness. After speaking with healthcare professions, the questions in my mind were what foods were healthy for my body and my disease? Additionally I was instructed by my physician to reduce my weight by nearly 100 lbs. For the first time in my life I knew I had to make adult decisions about my diet for my health.
The challenge has been finding foods that are enjoyable, satisfying, and interesting enough to keep me on track with the lowest carbohydrate and sugar intake possible.
Trying to search for recipes that meet this criteria online proved frustrating. It seemed there was a lack of websites dedicated to supplying hope for people with diabetes. In my search for healthy recipes I began to start a collection so that I would have them at my fingertips.
As my collection grew, my wife suggested that I share my findings online with others who have dietary needs like my own. My hope is that this becomes a place where we can share our recipes and secrets to the benefit of an ever growing community of diabetics.
I am in no way an expert, but I am hoping that someone finds this collection useful. If this helps even one person than it was all worth it!